Thursday, 12 May 2011

Born this way...

Oh really Lady Gaga...were you? Lady Gag-gag has announced that those odd protrusions spotted lately on her face and shoulders have always been there. “They’re my bones … They’ve always been inside of me, but I have been waiting for the right time to reveal to the universe who I truly am.” Would that be..the devil? She also says that “We all have these bones! They’re the light from inside of us.”  Hmmm, sure. We believe you. And that's what your voice really sounds like - you were born with a synthesizer embedded in your throat. I don't know about you, but if I woke up with those things on my face, i would get myself to a doctor STAT. She has also claimed that her new-ish single (churning them out like hundreds of little spider babies..yuck) Born This Way was actually written by (dead) fashion designer Alexander McQueen. “I think he planned the whole thing,” she says. “He’s up in heaven with fashion strings in his hands, marionetting away.” Bitch, please.

I know I'll probably get a lot of haters for this post but guess what - I don't care. I think her music is mildly entertaining background noise - pleasant but not in any way special. Having said that, if you feel she is your inspiration, that's great for you. Each to his own. I just don't think that this kind of bullshit is really necessary. And, I know this may come as a shock to you, but i feel that musicians should actually have some musical talent. I don't care how stylish or good looking they are. They're not models, they're musicians. They could look like Julius Malema for all I care, as long as they actually had talent (bit ironic, my use of Juju and talent in the same sentence...LOL). Anyway, I guess I'm just offended by hypocrisy - ie. Lady Gaga telling her fans that they're beautiful in their own way, and they should love themselves because they were born that way, and in the same breath telling us that she has always had weird alien bones and denying that she has had any plastic surgery. We're not stupid.

1 comment:

  1. haha ye i agree completely :) if you read kevins status we were having a HUGE convo about her yesterday and her satanistic weird ways! that new song of hers... 'Judas'. I personally think its shit and if she wants to put that on tv then i WILL say so :) blah wat a creep!
